Hello?  Can you hear me now?

The Internet, My Telephone

I can’t afford access to both the internet and a cell phone, so I use the internet like a phone. And what do we use phones for?  Why, to communicate, of course.  To pass on information, stories, interests, “likes” and love.

And where do we get our information these days?  In the good ol’ days, you could find all the news, information, and entertainment you wanted from just one or two sources (although younger people will find that hard to believe).  So when we choose to visit a website — click on a link — there’s more at stake than just what’s capturing our attention at that moment in time. For instance, if we click on more stories about women, then the media will focus more attention on stories about women.  And then they will hire more women… to cover more stories about women.  🙂

Here on WordPress, and on the internet in general, life is like a game of telephone.  I don’t post — pick up the phone — for every headline that interests me (although it is my blog).  I also try to post information and news that may interest other bloggers; issues that I’ve read about within the WordPress community.

Of course, my blog is about my life (as a pain patient) and the stuff that interests me. And since boredom is the constant enemy of chronic pain, my interests are numerous and (shall we say) eclectic. But just like the media, I also have access to statistics about what’s popular on my site. And if this was about likes, hits, or followers, then I would mold my content to what is currently popular.

Sure, I get a kick out of watching that orange bar get taller when I check my stats page — no one wants to be invisible.  But since I’m trying to help both myself and other pain patients, my happiness is not about being popular.  Heck, I’ve never been popular before, and I don’t expect that situation to ever change. 🙂

What I like about the stats page is seeing the traffic that clicks on links to other pages, meaning they were interested enough to read the whole story, not just the parts I decided to post.  When I find something related to my site while surfing on WordPress, I pass it along — I pick up the phone. And then, when others pick up the phone to pass along that same information, that makes me feel good. Whether they agree with me or not, it’s a good thing that we’ve started the conversation — here on the internet, and hopefully, from person to person.

As a side note, my free WordPress software has a few problems… I love posting visuals, but when you click on an individual post, the picture gets distorted.  I think I’d have to change themes to fix it, which is a hassle.  (And I don’t have time for hassles — I’m busy procrastinating.) So, I’ve learned ways to get around it.  I’ve added the calendar widget, so you (and I) can search by day.  This kind of viewing leaves the visuals intact.  Visitors can always choose to view by category, although some categories will obviously be too large for some to navigate.  I’ve found that the search function works pretty well, but it doesn’t recognize words and phrases unless they are entered exactly right.

No more drug war. (And Honest Jon for President!)  Pick up the phone and pass it on.  (You know, if you want to.)

And now, back to procrastination (and chocolate).

Open Letter to American Grocery Stores

Look, parents are stressed out.  Their kids are stressed out.  We’re all… stressed out.  Would it be too much to ask for grocery stores to create a little corner for babysitting services while parents shop?  Talk about a great marketing opportunity…

I know grocery stores depend on kids to ask parents for their favorite products, but considering how fat we all are, perhaps that’s not such a good idea.

In fact, instead of just babysitting services, why don’t ya’ll also include a little learning center? Let’s teach kids about home economics, including how to read labels and shop for groceries.

And let’s all try to be a little less judgmental, shall we?


Under comments:

The Professionally Depressed Professional said:

Opinion is judgment not based on fact. Opinion is based on our beliefs and values and how the behaviors and attitudes of others do not fit “our” mold of the way we think things should be. I have had the pleasure of dealing with many parents as a school administrator and teacher, and I am a parent. I am not perfect; I have made many mistakes with my kids; and, although I have seen some pretty awful parents out there, the reality is that there is a lack of resources and understanding for the others’ perspective. Some parents may struggle with undiagnosed mental health issues, and what you are witnessing is a result of that. Trust me, I’ve shaken my head a few times and get that good parents fall in between the lines that you have outlined. It’s not as black and white as you make it seem. This statement has nothing to do with you having kids or not; you’ve brought to light some great points about parenting. What do you propose as societal solutions to bad parenting?

Moral Mondays in New Mexico

This week’s biggest NM political stories in one graphic (and blog post)

Moral Monday #3 concerned union members including: Teachers, state/county/municipal workers, communications workers, and equality activists of New Mexico will gather together in solidarity and march to the Roundhouse to send a message to lawmakers and demonstrate that unions and the LGBT community stand together. We will gather at 11:00am in front of the Jean Cocteau Cinema located at 418 Montezuma Ave. Santa Fe, NM. After a few short speeches, the march to the Capitol will begin at 11:30am. The rally will take place once we arrive at the Roundhouse…

Warning: Advertising Can Cause Confusion (And Higher Prices)

You know how some bottles of Dawn dishwashing soap have a picture of a bird covered in oil being washed?


6/22/2010, Why Dawn Is The Bird Cleaner Of Choice In Oil Spills

When asked whether they have to use Dawn, Nevill replies, “Dawn definitely works the best. It very effectively removes grease but does not cause harm to the skin of the birds.”

What the company doesn’t advertise — and these days is reluctant to admit — is that the grease-cutting part of the potion is made from petroleum…

I have to admit that the oily bird is one of the reasons I buy Dawn.  However, I thought that part of the purchase price of a bottle of Dawn was donated to wildlife groups — see, there’s a picture right on the front!  But you have to read and understand the fine print to realize that’s not true.

But that’s not the only reason I buy this product.  I’ve tried cheaper dishwashing soaps, but a little Dawn goes a long way, especially in hard water. I know this product is more expensive, but I’m willing to pay a little extra, you know, to help save the birds.  And because it works.

Many products on the market today have labels that are confusing, like the one pictured above. It takes time and effort to understand what these labels really stand for…

My review for New MexiCann (3/26/2014)

Americans for Safe Access

New MexiCann advertises that they are “The Only NM Producer with National ASA Patient Focused Certification.”  So, what does that mean?  Right now, not much.  Although I assume that in the future, it may mean that the price of your medicine has been increased to cover the cost of a dispensary sporting this label.

Considering the prices in New Mexico are already too high (and that dispensaries are also looking at increased costs due to the most recent rule changes), I also assume that when other dispensaries begin to adopt this certification, the prices will increase even further. You can compare prices in Colorado (a state that already has many of these regulations) to those in New Mexico to know that prices are too high in this state (for various reasons).

The medical cannabis experience is not the same as when patients take prescription drugs, a market that’s been regulated for a very (very) long time.  Patients have to educate themselves so that they know when they are being hoodwinked, especially when it comes to quality and price.  How many patients will do the research?  Or will they just accept what they see on the label?

And I don’t think it’s fair that New MexiCann has this advantage over the other dispensaries in New Mexico — because advertising labels like this work, but are expensive to purchase, license, and renew.  Not a problem for New MexiCann, the largest, most powerful, most connected, and one of the first dispensaries here in New Mexico.

I think legalization is the only way to make (uninsured) prices come down, which would be the best thing for all patients in any medical cannabis program.  So, I’m always wondering who is for legalization and who is against, and the reasons for their beliefs.  And I have a feeling that when it comes down to it, there will be some dispensaries who will keep fighting against legalization to protect their own territories.

The Problem With Pot


…former drug czar William J. Bennett and federal prosecutor Robert A. White…

It does no good to fight legalization efforts by lying.  Sure, these guys are trying to sell a book, but the only people who will believe them are the people who want to believe them, regardless of the facts.

It’s sad, really… the anti-drug coalition denying children and adults who are suffering access to medicine that’s so much safer than most drugs on the market today.  Are they trying to kill us all?

2/10/2015, One in five suicides is associated with unemployment


Every year, around 45,000 people take their own lives because they are out of work or someone close to them is affected by unemployment, as a study by the University of Zurich now reveals. It includes data of 63 countries and demonstrates that during the 2008 economic crisis the number of all suicides associated with unemployment was nine times higher than previously believed…

Police Beating Led To Miscarriage: Lawsuit


The suit, filed by Kenya Harris, names the City of Albany, Georgia, police chief John Proctor and officers Ryan Jenkins and Richard Brown, Jr., according to Courthouse News.

The suit claims that in May, 2011, Harris came to the Albany Police department after her son was arrested. She waited five hours to pick him up, but then told Jenkins she needed to leave to tend to her other children at home.

Jenkins said if she made that request again he would take her head and “‘put it to the floor.”

When Harris asked again, the suit alleges “Defendant Officer Jenkins, without provocation, grabbed plaintiff, who weighs less than one hundred twenty (120) pounds, by her neck and slammed her to the ground. Plaintiff momentarily blacked out and came to with defendant Officer Jenkins sitting on her back, and with his knee on her arm. Plaintiff was pregnant at the time.”