How Instagram Is Helping Me Recover From an Eating Disorder

This week is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (#NEDAwareness), and I think it’s so important to acknowledge the importance of recovery accounts to so many around the world as this week our struggles and issues are highlighted. People suffering will always appreciate support, so this week, take the time to follow one or two accounts and leave a nice comment! It will mean more than you know.

It’s True, Cats Can Fly

Or:  Playing With My Shadow  (Perhaps I should invent a category for Play Therapy.  And I’ll just point out that playing with your shadow is FREE.)

Photographer:  Ramil Gilvanov

(If you’ll notice, the young girl’s posture while using an electronic device is pretty good, lifting the device close enough to eye level so as not to bend her head, putting too much pressure on the neck.  Good posture:  It’s the drug of the future.)

Top Medical Groups Say Gun Violence Is A Public Health Crisis

WASHINGTON — Seven medical groups representing most U.S. physicians are seeking to recast gun-related casualties as a public health crisis, pointing to data that blames firearms for 33,000 U.S. deaths and more than double that many injuries in 2013...

“It does not matter whether we believe that guns kill people or that people kill people with guns — the result is the same: a public health crisis,” Dr. Darren Taichman, the journal’s executive editor, wrote on behalf of the editorial board…

So, even though guns kill more people than opioids every year, guns are a “crisis,” while opioids are an “epidemic.”

Dear Bloomberg:

Just wanted to say that I don’t like your new website.  It takes a lot longer to download, I can’t find the issues that I’m looking for, and it seems like there’s been a decrease in the number of articles, in general.  Please don’t make me migrate to CNBC…

Proliferation of smartphones may be affecting posture

“Poor posture is easy to spot in the hunched over forms of older adults who have carried bad habits for a lifetime,” said Stephen Gubernick, Doctor of Chiropractic at The Joint Chiropractic. “However, few people realize that there are health implications that make good posture essential for healthy living at any age.” …

Poor device posture can be corrected by not using your smartphone so much – but let’s be real, is that really likely to happen? So it might be wise to change the way we hold the device.

In the case of a smartphone, hold the phone higher, closer to eye level, so that you don’t have to bend your head. It’s important for parents to encourage children to improve their device posture, since their bodies are still developing.

Back pain is normally a complaint among older people but a 2013 survey in the United Kingdom found a startling 84% of young people said they have suffered an aching back in the previous year. The survey by Simplyhealth also found most adults of all ages spent as much time hunched over a device of some sort as they spent sleeping…

Google to censor adult content

As Emma Wollacott noted in Forbes, “Many of the blogs currently labelled “adult” have had that tag slapped on them by Google itself – and the blog owners don’t necessarily agree. Affected blogs have included those covering LGBT issues and sex education, for example.”

For those who’d rather migrate to a blog on a different platform with more liberal policies (such as WordPress or Tumblr), Google provided a link to a page providing instructions on how to archive or export your posts and other content…

The Metabolic Power of Pleasure

The inescapable conclusion is that the nutritional value of a food is not merely given in the nutrients it contains, but is dependent upon the synergistic factors that helps us absorb those nutrients. Remove Vitamin P: Pleasure, and the nutritional value of our food plummets…

What’s most unusual about the endorphins is that not only are they molecules of pleasure, but they also stimulate fat mobilization. In other words, the same chemical that makes you feel good burns body fat…

Many of us claim to love food, but when we eat too fast or without awareness or with a helping of guilt, the central nervous system and the enteric nervous system both register only a minimum of pleasurable sensations. The result is that we are physiologically driven to eat more. We’re compelled to hunt down pleasure we never fully receive, even though it’s continually in our grasp…