Will exercise decrease your pain?

I recently looked up POTS, a medical condition that I’m unfamiliar with:

Wikipedia: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS, also known as postural tachycardia syndrome) is a condition in which a change from the supine position to an upright position causes an abnormally large increase in heart rate, called tachycardia… A variety of treatments, including exercise and medications, can improve symptoms for the majority of people with POTS…

Okay, so while your heart is doing jumping jacks in your chest, it’s time to exercise? It seems like doctors suggest exercise for almost every medical condition. And it’s true, we don’t get enough exercise, but…


They measured the physical activity of 1,600 adults with osteoarthritis in their hips, knees or feet; and found that just 45 minutes of moderate physical activity a week improved their function and reduced pain…

Osteoarthritis is a specific medical condition that can cause varying levels of pain and disability, but I don’t think that every chronic pain condition will respond the same to light physical activity.

In a study of 131 older adults who have osteoarthritis, participants attended 45-minute chair yoga sessions twice a week for 8 weeks.

Researchers measured their pain, pain interference (how it affects one’s life), balance, gait speed, fatigue and functional ability; before, during and after the sessions.

Compared to a control group enrolled in a health education program, the chair yoga group showed a greater reduction in pain, pain interference and fatigue during the sessions, as well as an improved gait. The reduction in pain interference lasted for about three months after the chair yoga program was completed…

When I lived in Houston, it was too hot and humid to take walks. I only started taking walks after I moved to New Mexico (and got a camera). At first, I lost some weight, which was a good thing. But the weight didn’t stay off. Part of the reason for that was my inability to find and afford quality medical cannabis. I’ve gone through periods of stability that have lasted for months — both in the legal and underground markets — but they always come to an end, interrupting any progress I might make.

Since I moved here over 3 years ago, I’ve been more physically active than I have been in the past. I’ve also taken up baking (which includes more cleaning), and that’s also increased my physical activity levels.

So, has all this increased physical activity helped to decrease my overall pain levels? It seems logical that it would. Maybe in a group of patients who suffer from osteoarthritis, you would see the majority of them achieving benefits from exercise, including a decrease in pain levels. Would the same be true of a group of patients who suffer from TMJ or Trigeminal Neuralgia?

I hate to go against logic, but as I sit here thinking about the connection between my level of physical activity and my pain levels, I can’t say that the increased physical activity has made any difference in my pain levels. Sure, sometimes a walk can increase my pain levels, but usually, my level of physical activity doesn’t appear to be related to my pain levels. I know that doesn’t make sense, but there you have it.

There’s nothing wrong or sinful about feeling good

I believe we should have access to any and all treatments for pain, including cannabis. But I don’t want pain patients to think that if they switch to cannabis, it will be the only drug or treatment they’ll need to manage their pain. (Any drug is just one part of an overall pain management program.)

I’ve been very lucky to have access to a quality strain of cannabis in the last couple of months — one of those strains that are very hard to find. I’ve wondered if daily use of a good strain would be enough to manage my high pain levels (averaging about a 7 out of 10), but I think that’s about false hope. Cannabis is great, but it’s not a wonder drug. Of course, everyone’s experience will be different, but I think I’ve had enough experience throughout the past 3+ years to reach some conclusions.

If I had a choice (which I do not), I would probably choose a combination of cannabis and a painkiller to treat my pain. The addition of a painkiller would allow me to smoke less cannabis, and the cannabis would allow me to keep my painkiller usage to a minimum. I might even add a muscle relaxer at night, because the muscles in my face deserve more rest than I’m able to provide.

If I was able to add a painkiller to my pain management program, I might be able to take a walk every other day, instead of once or twice a week. I might be able to lose some weight. With a little extra pain relief, I might not think about death so much. I might think that I have some kind of survivable future. There’s even a possibility that I’d be able to regularly clean my toilet. (Okay, maybe not.)

When I was taking a bucket full of prescription medications, I relied on them to manage my pain. Maybe I relied on them too much, but that’s only because, out of all the treatments I’ve tried, prescription medications worked the best. I think that’s true for most people. I think it’s true that a lot of acute and chronic pain is best controlled with painkillers. (Patients aren’t given high doses of antidepressants before surgery.) Maybe the opioid war advocates would agree with me on that, but would disagree about how long we should be allowed to use opioids to manage pain. After all, according to the other side, anyone who swallows a pain pill has a high risk of becoming a drug addict. (And what’s worse than being a drug addict? Maybe a murderer?)

I read an article recently about how cannabis affects the part of the brain that deals with your sense of time. I’ve been thinking about that…

I know that being in constant pain makes time go by very slowly. Twenty-four hours feels like a week, not one day. And then I thought about the occasions that I’ve felt “high” from a drug. You know, the shameful high that almost all pain patients deny they experience with painkillers. The high that drug addicts chase on a daily basis. The high that makes you feel good artificially because it’s from a drug. The feel-good high that is really what the drug war is all about.

Within that high — a possible side effect of some drugs — is a distortion of time. That relief allows time to float, almost fly by, as if you lost 10 pounds and your feet had wings. As if a heavy burden had been lifted just a little, allowing a tiny taste of freedom inside your prison of pain. (Everyone’s prison of pain is different, caused by mental and/or physical pain.)

Does it feel good to get high? You betchya. However, it’s not like that good feeling lasts very long. But it can last long enough to, say, take a walk (or scrub your toilet). Or the high can work as an incentive — a reward for doing the painful thing that you really don’t want to do.

I suppose it’s all about what you do with the high. Those who suffer from addiction will always be chasing the high, and because of the drug war, will always be shamed and criminalized. Looked down on for suffering from a medical condition that most people think is a choice.

Those who suffer from constant pain will always be chasing after relief, and because of the drug war, we are now treated like those who suffer from addiction.

I’d just like to point out that the high I’ve been talking about gives relief to both pain patients and drug addicts. Look down on that high if you will, but it serves a purpose. The pleasure centers in our brains are there for a reason. They’re activated not only by drugs (including caffeine and chocolate), but also by things like friendship, caring, sex, love, risk, and winning.

Good feelings are part of being human. Unfortunately, so is pain. But just like humans are not meant to feel constant pleasure, we’re also not meant to be in constant pain. We’re not meant to feel depressed every single day, and if we do, that means our brains are out of balance. We’re not meant to feel constant fear and anxiety, and if we do, that means our brains need help.

Being human means we have to suffer, but when pain reaches a level where death is preferable to life, then our brains need help. Not help for a couple of weeks or months, but constant help. The pain is constant. The help has to be constant, too.

Sometimes the help we need will include the high from drugs. Let’s stop looking down on the high. There’s nothing wrong or sinful about feeling good.

What does ringing in the ears sound like?


Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. While it is commonly referred to as “ringing in the ears,” tinnitus can manifest many different perceptions of sound, including buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing, and clicking. In some rare cases, tinnitus patients report hearing music. Tinnitus can be both an acute (temporary) condition or a chronic (ongoing) health malady.

Millions of Americans experience tinnitus, often to a debilitating degree, making it one of the most common health conditions in the country. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly 15% of the general public — over 50 million Americans — experience some form of tinnitus. Roughly 20 million people struggle with burdensome chronic tinnitus, while 2 million have extreme and debilitating cases…

I’m sure that everyone who suffers from tinnitus hears a different sound in their ears. And it’s not like the sound always stays the same. But I was watching this video where the quarterback suffers a concussion, and the sound in the video (at 0:48) sounds just like the constant ringing in my ears.

It’s not like tinnitus is painful — more like uncomfortable. But it can also be quite maddening. Which is why I can’t fall asleep unless there’s music playing. And why I’m so thankful for music therapy.

Please Join Me For Dinner

I suppose bologna is not too good for me, but it sure tastes good.


Especially with lots of mayo.


It’s like a flat hot dog.


And it’s cheap.


I usually smash a sandwich like this into a pancake so that it’s easier for me to eat, but I waited to do the full smush routine until after I took these photos. As always, I’m here to entertain you, and your needs come first.


I think the bologna is smiling at you. 🙂


Bologna and mayo on a stuffing bun. Yum.


We’re getting married tomorrow.


If my sandwich will have me…


Okay, if that’s the way you want it. Prepare to disappear. 🙂

President Trump Rushed To Hospital With Possible Case of Anal Mouth

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Trump was taken by ambulance to an undisclosed hospital today around 4:20pm. One of his aides said that it was related to an episode of lockjaw that the President suffered back in 2017.


In March 2017, it was reported that the President was suffering from major headaches. White House staff said that he was “grumpier than usual.” Unnamed sources said that this description of Trump was a large understatement, but refused to elaborate.

When reporters tried to get further details of President Trump’s medical condition by speaking with Senator White (R) from Alabama, the Senator popped a Xanax on camera and repeated the oft-heard line of “everything’s fine.” As reporters are continually faced with the haggard and haunted looks of politician after politician, their own faces have also begun to look haunted.


The media has been unable to report on President Trump’s episodes of lockjaw, but internet sources say that the President suffers from a type of lockjaw called trismus:

From Wikipedia: Trismus, also called lockjaw, is reduced opening of the jaws (limited jaw range of motion)… It is known to interfere with eating, speaking, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. This interference, specifically with the patient’s ability to swallow properly, results in an increased risk of aspiration. In some instances, trismus presents with altered facial appearance. The condition may be distressing and painful for the patient.

Most people who suffer from this condition have a limited jaw opening, but the jaw can also be stuck in the open position. Internet sources say that President Trump suffers from the latter type of lockjaw.

Donald Trump

There have been rare cases of lockjaw developing into anal mouth, which is a condition that no one knows very much about. Turning again to the internet for further information, anal mouth is a condition that causes your mouth to turn into an anus. Every word you utter is covered in smelly shit.


There is no known cure for anal mouth, and since the only available treatment is to keep your mouth shut, this medical condition is eventually politically fatal. Such is life.



(Do you know how easy it is to find an image of Trump with his mouth open?)


This post inspired by Dr. Laura. 🙂

What do I see? Take a drive with me…

I see the sunset from underneath a pine tree.


A couple of weeks later, another sunset.


Saturday’s sunrise.


I should stop staring at the sun. It can’t be good for my eyes.


Cloud porn in the Walmart parking lot.


We’ve had some good rain in the past couple of days. Even though I love the rain, my allergies do not. It will take some time before my allergies settle into fall.


I see the sunset reflected on the car in front of me. (The only thing you can see on my car is dirt.)


Unfortunately for me, there’s a Krispy Kreme next to Walmart.


Since I don’t buy as many donuts as I do Dilly Bars, I thought I’d try to save some money. Donuts this month, not Dilly Bars. And you don’t really have to chew donuts, making them very easy for me to eat. (Wow, the excuses we tell ourselves… when really, I just wanted some junk food. It might be junk, but it sure tastes good.)


The last time I went to Krispy Kreme, I told myself I wouldn’t go back. Their donuts used to be worth the price, but they aren’t any longer. That’s still true.


Kelly Liquors is next to Krispy Kreme, but they’d sell a lot more donuts if they were next to a weed dispensary.



I’m not happy that I wasted money on Krispy Kremes, but I did catch a great sunrise. Happy Daylight Savings Time. 🙂

Do you have Crohn’s?

I love food. It’s a moment of pleasure in just about any day. But I struggle to have an appetite because eating can be quite painful for me. My first bite of the day usually involves a lot of muscle cramping in my face. Sometimes, I beat an achy foot against the floor to distract me from the cramps. After that, it’s usually okay. Like I’m gonna let pain take away my enjoyment of food? No way.

That’s one of the effects that I like about cannabis. It gives me an appetite. Distracts me from the pain of eating so my taste buds can fly. Time for some peanut butter chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars. 🙂

What does cannabis withdrawal feel like?

If you want to know how a medication is affecting you, you can always stop taking it. Having to go without will definitely show you if the medication was helping or not. And it will also show you how dependent you are on that medication.

I use cannabis every day to treat my intractable pain. So, when I don’t have it, I go through a type of withdrawal. I get really sad and cry a lot, often for no apparent reason. I smoke cigarettes like there’s no tomorrow. My insomnia gets worse. I see no point in making any kind of plan for the day because I have no pain relief waiting for me. I lose my appetite, even for chocolate. I don’t want to eat because eating hurts my jaw joints, face, head, and neck. Don’t even try to ask me to smile.

After 3 or 4 days without bud, the sadness dims and is replaced by anger. I’m always surprised at how much anger there is inside of me, so closely contained, just waiting to burst free. Anger, frustration, irritation, and sometimes, even hate. I absolutely hated having to depend on a doctor for my pain relief, and it’s no fun now, having to rely on an underground bud connection.

Yes, bud helps me control my anger. It helps to manage my dark and suicidal thoughts. It puts me in the mood to find just about anything funny. It distracts me from the constant pain. It makes chocolate taste better, if that’s even possible. And it even helps me cut back on smoking cigarettes.

Even though I’m a non-violent person, right now, without bud, I could seriously punch someone. Being poor really sucks, but being in unrelieved, constant pain sucks more.

But is this withdrawal, or is this just my normal, painful state of being? If it is withdrawal, it’s not that bad. Doesn’t last that long. I’ve taken a lot of different drugs to treat pain in the past 30 years, and I’d have to say that the withdrawal from cannabis is no big deal. As long as I know that I’ll have access to it again in the near future, I’ll be okay…

But seriously, right now, stay the fuck out of my way.

When doctors lie


“My doctor said I cannot be cured so there is no point in treating me for pain,” wrote one patient.

Cancer can’t be cured. Schizophrenia and asthma are also incurable. Then there’s AIDS.

The treatments for these medical conditions can also cause pain, including chronic pain. Why suffer through expensive, painful treatments when there is no cure? What kind of doctor would say there’s no point in treating cancer or AIDS? (Doctors suck.)

Yes, cancer and AIDS can be fatal. (Actually, being human is a fatal condition.) But chronic pain can take a long time to kill you, so the medical industry thinks the danger isn’t imminent. And I think chronic pain isn’t really considered a medical condition, like cancer.

When patients die from suicide or an overdose, it’s the patient’s fault. When a cancer patient dies, it’s the disease’s fault (or the fault of the medical industry). Because drug war.


But Lussier said her doctor was concerned that opioids would actually increase her sensitivity to pain, and informed her three months ago that she would get only three more monthly prescriptions for the drug.

If you suffer from chronic pain, your body is already sensitive to pain. Duh. Can opioids increase that sensitivity?

I suppose it’s possible, although it doesn’t seem very logical. It makes more sense to say that not treating chronic pain would increase a person’s sensitivity to pain. That’s why pain progresses from acute to chronic — you can’t suffer from chronic pain unless you’ve suffered from acute pain first.

Think of a dial for volume, zero to ten. Similar to the pain scale, each number represents a different level of pain. When you stub your toe or burn your finger, you’ve felt pain at the level of a 1 or 2. Let’s say a root canal or a broken bone would be a 4. Having a baby is like a 6, while cancer is around a 6+.

The purpose of this dial is not to rate a person’s pain — it’s to mark the different levels of pain you’ve been exposed to and have experienced. If you’ve never broken a bone, then your brain doesn’t know of or understand that level of pain. But once your brain has experienced pain at the level of a 6 or 7, there’s a greater chance that you will experience that level of pain in the future. It’s easier for your brain to reach that level after you’ve already reached it once.

While I’m focusing on physical pain for my pain dial, the same applies to mental pain and anguish. Unless you’ve experienced grief or suffered from Major Depressive Disorder, your brain can’t understand that level of pain. But once you do experience different levels of mental pain, it’s not hard for your brain to feel it again.

So, maybe the risk of developing chronic pain includes experiencing high levels of acute pain. Like if you were a gymnast or a football player. It’s no wonder women are more prone to chronic pain because so many of us have experienced the pain of labor. Like the risk of suffering from drug addiction climbs after someone experiences physical or mental trauma.

Where would the experience of chronic pain fall on this pain dial? It’s one thing to experience level 6 pain during labor, but that pain goes away.

Let’s say you have a toothache that registers around a 5 on the pain dial. After treatment, most if not all of that pain goes away. (Who could function with a constant toothache?) My TMJ causes a level 5 toothache in every one of my teeth. Does that mean my pain level is a 5? No, because TMJ is not the only thing that causes me pain. And because my pain is constant.

Constant/chronic pain should have a place on the pain dial, just like a broken bone or root canal. Because no matter what level of physical (or mental) pain you’re suffering from, when that pain is constant and incurable, the volume on your pain dial increases.

Intractable pain is not a symptom of my TMJ — not like addiction can be a symptom of trauma. No, intractable pain is a condition all on its own. Maybe I could even call it a cancer of the soul.

Doctors lie all the time. Of course they do. I know it’s hard to stand up for yourself when you feel like shit, and when you need and depend on your doctor. Just be prepared for when your doctor repeats information that’s biased and untrue. Don’t let him or her get away with it.


The title of this post was given to me by Sir Derrick, gracias.


I visited Walmart at dawn this morning.


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I watched the sun rise from the parking lot.

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Although it may be hard to believe, I’m getting a little tired of Dilly Bars. So, I also stopped at Krispy Kreme. The doughnuts were good, of course, but I think they’ve shrunken in size since the last time I indulged. And I would be surprised if the doughnuts were made in-house, as they weren’t that fresh. (Did I mention how small they were?)


Then I had to go to Albertson’s, because they’re the only store that carries the kind of straws I like. Yes, I’m very picky about my straws. They have to be the skinny ones, not the fat ones. Because TMJ.

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Finally on my way home. Even at 7am, I was still sweating.

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It’s too damn hot. The End. 🙂

Is this the future for pain patients?


NY Ketamine Infusions, LLC., offers ketamine infusion therapy treatments for those throughout the Tri-State area as well as NYC suffering from chronic pain syndromes and depression…

Chronic pain can be dramatically altered or even eliminated by ketamine infusions. Certain types of pain considered to be “neuropathic” in origin are considered to be most responsive to ketamine therapy. Examples of these kinds of pain are trigeminal neuralgia, complex regional pain (CRP), diabetic neuropathies, phantom limb pain, post herpetic neuralgia and fibromyalgia. However, other types of chronic pain such as chronic temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) pain, some headaches, and musculoskeletal pain may also benefit from ketamine infusions.

The few stories I’ve read from patients who have used ketamine treatments have been mostly positive, with the caveat that the treatments don’t last very long. It’s similar to how steroid injections can work, lasting for weeks or months, until it’s time for more.

Cost? Covered by insurance? You won’t find that information on the above website.

Alternatively, here in Albuquerque, there’s oxygen therapy:


We offer a recreational Oxygen Bar as well as Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy and portable Boost Oxygen cans to enhance your body’s ability to heal, reduce swelling, relieve joint pain, improve recovery time, increase athletic performance and promote an overall feeling of wellness.

$1 a minute, or $150 for 90 minutes.

Breathing has become expensive, lol.

Buttered Snapdragon

I think I found the elusive snapdragon. (And if I’m wrong, I don’t want to hear it.)

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Anyway, it looks like popcorn to me. (From Leafly:  “popcorn buds, used to describe poorer quality cannabis harvested towards the bottom of the plant…” Some dispensaries sell popcorn buds at a cheaper price, although I’m sure they don’t use them for cannabis testing.)

Can you see the popcorn, coated with fresh, creamy butter? (Yes, there’s a strain called Popcorn Kush, and it’s supposed to taste like popcorn. But in my experience, bud tastes like… bud.)

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Dude, there’s a bug in my popcorn. (I miss popcorn.)

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Look, Chiclets! (I miss gum.)


It appears the buttered snapdragon is trying to communicate with me…


I give you the most recognized symbol in the world:

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For you, Sir Derrick. LOL.

Drugs are a treatment, not a cure

Current Survey on MedPageToday.com:

A group of medical organizations has written to the Joint Commission, urging it to drop pain as a 5th vital sign in the wake of the opioid abuse epidemic. Is it time to get rid of pain as a 5th vital sign?

Under comments:

numa turner
Apr 16, 2016
The problem as I saw it was it was totally subjective. We don’t ask people what their blood pressure is. Granted that there is no objective way to measure pain, treating it as a vital sign can cause confusion for doctors and patients. I worked for the VA and our performance was often based on this “fifth vital sign ” and how we responded. I often saw patients on large doses of opioids who still claimed 8 out of 10 on the pain scale. What do you do with that?

This is all about money, not patients. Medicare is trying out different programs to reduce healthcare costs, and performance-based pay is one of them. How to determine if a doctor is doing his job? Ask the doctor or the patients? But PFROP is using the media- and government-hyped opioid “epidemic” to cozy up to all the doctors who hate patient reviews, especially if it’s costing them money. It’s a lesson on how to gain power and influence by increasing the number of people who support anything close to your agenda.

It’s like doctors think the only reason for a patient to give them a low score is because the doctor wouldn’t prescribe painkillers. Of course, the 400,000 patients who die every year due to the mistakes of doctors don’t get a chance to fill out a performance review. I’m guessing that many more doctors will be getting low scores because they will refuse to adequately treat both acute and chronic pain. And don’t you think they know that? This isn’t about patients, this is about money. And ideology.

Just think, if every tooth in your mouth constantly ached and throbbed, what would your pain levels be? My current pain levels average about a 7 on the 1-10 scale, but that hasn’t always been the case. I’m talking about the progression of an intractable pain condition over a 30-year period. How do you track that on a 1-10 scale? Even when I was on opioid therapy, my pain levels progressed, albeit more slowly than during the times when the pain was (and is) under-treated or untreated.

I also estimated that I received, on average, a 25% reduction in pain with opioid therapy. Did that change my average pain levels? Did my pain levels go from a 7 to a 5.25? No, that’s not what happened. The prescription drugs mostly kept me stable at a 7 (and away from a 10 and thoughts of suicide). After all, drugs are a treatment for pain, not a cure.

Let’s also acknowledge that rating pain on a scale of 1-10 is a very basic and inadequate measure of pain. Many things can affect how you rate your pain, like fear, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and anger. And also things like age, gender, and DNA.

“I often saw patients on large doses of opioids who still claimed 8 out of 10 on the pain scale. What do you do with that?”

As a doctor, you should try to understand all of these nuances, and that the pain scale is not an x-ray or blood test (none of which are 100% accurate). And as a doctor, stop putting so much pressure on pain patients to improve — why are you expecting miracles from drugs? Do you think drugs can stop the aging and degenerative processes? Do you expect all of your patients to improve from one treatment option? What kind of improvements are you demanding from your patients?

Patients are afraid to report any improvement in their pain levels. How are doctors going to change that dynamic? I’m guessing that doctors are now understanding how dentists feel, since most patients hate and fear going to the dentist. And do you know why? Because it’s freaking painful, that’s why.

What Do I See? Take a walk with me…

What Do I See?

I see a cool motorcycle.


And a weeping willow (at one of the apartment complexes I visited).

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As always, I see trash.

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I miss gum, especially watermelon bubble gum.

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I miss nuts, too, mainly cashews.

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I see that one of my neighbors cares about pet odors in her apartment, but not about a trash-free environment.

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I see more neglect.


I see things that have been discarded and I wonder why.

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Seriously, WTF? What is it, a roast? I’m like, what could have happened? Why did this huge chunk of uncooked meat end up in my path? What is the universe trying to tell me?

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I see McDonald’s is still as popular as ever. (Photos taken on the same day.)



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Between a rock and a hard place.


My figurative selfie.

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My literal selfie. (Still having to wear a hat to cover up a really bad haircut.)


Here I am photographing my obsession with my neighbors’ trash.


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Seriously, dirty diapers?

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In case  you can’t see, this is a rug in a tree.

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It’s official:  My neighbors have really bad taste.



Caffeine, come join the party!

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How sweet, a Caffeinated Couple.

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Graffiti here, graffiti there, graffiti everywhere.


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Pretty colors… I wonder how many people choose a brand by the colors?

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Not sure the fire extinguishers work, except as an ashtray.

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New Mexico’s state symbol should be the tumbleweed.


I’m like, somebody misspelled “retornable.” (Turns out, it’s Spanish.)

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Hey, Francisco, if you’re reading this, when are you coming back?

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During this walk, I saw these notices on every door (most of which will end up on the ground as trash):


Think about it: The apartment complex hired some young dude to tape this notice to every tenant’s door. (Ran into him, he seemed nice.) This underpaid dude sees all this trash and all these broken rules, but that’s not his problem. I would be shocked if any tenant had ever received a fine.


Eviction Update:

When I went back to my first choice for a new apartment, I was told they had nothing available. I thought, couldn’t you have told me that when I visited the first time?

So, I put in an application for a different apartment on Wednesday, but no approval yet. I don’t know why it’s taking so long, as I was told the approval process would only take a day. I’m worried about what my current landlord will say. I’m worried about… a lot of things…

And now I have to go out again tomorrow (I mean, today) and find another apartment… and soon we’ll have a President Drumpf…

Life sucks, said the crow.