Why I hate Facebook

It’s hard to educate people about chronic pain and the drug war. Sometimes, you just wanna give up…

Johnna Stahl: #DearCDC: Which federal agency will be the first to feel Trump’s ax? Do you think the CDC’s new PR firm will be able to save your jobs? #NoMoreDrugWar

Demaris Forsythe: So you think you’d be better off if there was no agency charged with alerting the country to disease threats? Great. Brilliant.

Johnna: If the agency’s job is to alert the country about disease threats, why has it regulated and standardized the treatment of addiction (I mean, chronic pain)? I’ve asked the CDC if chronic pain and addiction are diseases, but the agency never responded.

The CDC has joined the drug war and now millions of pain patients are being abandoned by fearful doctors, made to feel like outcasts and drug addicts because they suffer from constant pain. The CDC has helped to create this stigma. If Trump and his Republican cohorts decide to cut back on federal spending, I have no problem with them cutting the CDC’s budget to the point where this agency stays out of my personal health care. Enough damage has already been done.

Demaris: I see no evidence for your claim, first of all. Secondly, your issue with pain management has nothing whatsoever to do with vaccines or Zika.

Johnna: I’m sorry you’re not up to date on what the CDC has done. Maybe if you suffered from chronic pain, you would be.

Demaris: Why don’t you post evidence of “what the CDC has done.” And you don’t have any idea what I do or don’t have, dear.

Johnna: I don’t need to post evidence of facts. They are easily found by those who are interested in looking. Maybe the CDC guidelines will affect you or someone you know in the future. Or maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones who never has a problem. When it comes to healthcare, do you feel lucky, dear?

Demaris: “I don’t need to post evidence of facts.” You do if you want anyone to believe you. Claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence. The onus is on you as you’re the one making the assertion. Back it up.

Johnna: Your comments keep proving your ignorance on this issue, but if you need proof, try the Federal Register. There were over 4,300 comments to the CDC’s 2016 Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, mine included. I’ve read almost all of those comments and I would suggest you do the same, but I know you’re not really interested. You won’t be interested until it happens to you or someone you know.

Demaris: “Do you feel lucky, dear?” I don’t need “luck.” I have science and facts. Sorry about you.

Johnna: Talk to the CDC about how they misuse science and facts to accomplish their agenda. Ask them how they determine who is an “expert.” Science is not what it used to be, but it can still be found — just not within the CDC’s guidelines. Funny how the government can use paid experts on addiction to regulate the treatment of chronic pain, as if they were the same medical condition. You think you don’t need luck? Okay, live in your bubble. Doesn’t bother me.

Demaris: “Your comments keep proving your ignorance on this issue, but if you need proof, try the Federal Register. There were over 4,300 comments to the CDC’s 2016 Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, mine included” So what?

Johnna: What exactly do you want evidence of? Wait, forget that. Like you, I don’t care. Anyone reading these comments will be able to find the information they need, and that’s what’s important.

Demaris: “Anyone reading these comments will be able to find the information they need, and that’s what’s important.” So you don’t have any? Thanks for playing.

Johnna: Do you know the definition of obtuse? Have you ever heard about Google, you lazy Facebook troll? Maybe if you learn to use it, you’ll be able to find this conversation posted on my blog. Do you think any of the comments will be in your favor?