Alcohol sales get higher after weed legalization contrary to industry fears

Is MJ a gateway drug to alcoholism ?

Part of the reason for the alcohol and marijuana industries’ success may be a boost in Colorado tourism. Though some state officials insist marijuana is not attracting new visitors, Colorado tourism set record highs in 2014, the first year of legalization, with 71.3 million visitors who collectively spent $18.6bn.

Many in the alcohol industry credit marijuana with helping boost tourism. Martz said he frequently asks tourists in his downtown store what brought them to Colorado. “Legalization adds to the overall draw,” he noted, even if most tourists don’t come solely for pot. Simpson concurred that the number of tourists visiting New Belgium has continued to increase steadily, including from some pot-inclined tourists.

And alcohol isn’t simply a remora to the marijuana shark; the two industries are even finding ways to help one another out. Many out-of-towners who visit Mr B’s Wine & Spirits ask Martz where the closest dispensary is. He’s not only happy to help direct them, but also has a stack of coupons from the dispensary in his shop to hand out.

Ah, poor New Mexico, left out of the tourism party.  And here we are, right next to Colorado. There’s a booming craft beer industry in New Mexico, but too bad, so sad, all that extra income is only for businesses that are located over an imaginary state line. Hotels, restaurants, gas stations, Walmarts, airports… sorry, you can’t join the party either. All those billions and billions of dollars are only for states that have legalized the leaf. And this level of tourism won’t keep up for long — right now, it’s mostly the novelty of legalization. When that wears off, all those billions will move somewhere else…

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