Pain doctor in Kentucky charged in 5 deaths

It is -AS IF – doctors never have pts die for whatever reason ?

Pharmacist Steve says:  Barb saw this particular pain doc for a couple years. I was a lot more impressed by this particular doc’s pt care than the doc that owned the clinic nor the doc that replaced him… shortly afterwards Barb left the clinic’s practice. Dealing with chronic pain pts that are suffering from pain, depression, anxiety and other issues… are at a twice the risk of committing suicide. SOOOO.. 5 pts committed suicide over a several year period.. in this country we have 40,000 commit suicide every year.. IT HAPPENS..

The fraudulent billing is nothing but “fluff charges”… the report is that Jamie was headed off to some sort of conference/seminar/medical convention and was rushing to make sure that all his pts had their needed medication.. and there was some sort of mis-communication to the individual/company that did the billing for the practice. Fraudulent billing practices tend to be more routine and ongoing for more than THREE DAYS.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A pain doctor who promises on his website to help patients “return to a life they once knew” has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of illegally prescribing medications that resulted in the deaths of five patients.

Dr. Jaime Guerrero, who has offices in Louisville and Jeffersonville, Ind., was charged in a 32-count indictment with causing the deaths by issuing prescriptions for oxycodone, methadone and hydrocodone for no medical purpose from 2009 through 2012.

He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted…

One of his patients, Lee Bullock, told WAVE-TV then that Guerrero was treating him for degenerative disc disease and that he thought he was a very good doctor. “He monitors all his patients very close,” he told the station. “He does a lot of drug screens, urine tests and pill counts.”

6 thoughts on “Pain doctor in Kentucky charged in 5 deaths

  1. This is right in my front door, the Jeffersonville office is less than ten minutes from where I work. If memory serves me correct he was practically “dealing” drugs out of his Jeffersonville office.

    Liked by 1 person

      • This area has a bad, bad, bad oxy codone and opana problem. Look up Scott County, Indiana HIV breakout. I just remember they had video footage of some “shady” people walking in and out of there. It’s a huge problem in this area right now.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, I’m aware of the problems in Indiana. But the HIV outbreak involves those who are suffering from drug addiction, not pain patients. I have to wonder what all those pain patients are doing for treatment since the DEA shut down that doctor. Let’s hope they didn’t connect with the addict population just so they could manage their pain.

          Do you think there aren’t any pain patients in that area, or that all of them are “shady”? Legitimate pain patients can look “shady,” as it’s difficult to keep up with your appearance when you’re in constant pain. And video footage from the media is often cut to fit their story. I hope you don’t believe whatever the media tells you.

          Liked by 1 person

        • I’m smarter than that obviously, I just know the area quite well and the HIV problem is 100% related to addicts shooting up Opana and Oxycodone. Word on the street is you can get 25.00 per pill I could easily see some unethical doctor jumping in on that trade for writing bogus scripts. I’m not dissenting your opinion, but I see it everyday and hear stories every day. For real life sufferers that need chronic pain treatment having to fight with junkies and unethical doctors has to suck. Doctors like this (if proven guilty) are what has ruined our “tight knit” area. I’m not belittling you at all and respect the lively debate, however, I live it everyday.

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        • Just trying to get you to see the other side, from the pain patient’s perspective. Many doctors are refusing to prescribe pain medications so some patients are forced to see doctors that aren’t as reputable.

          However, the DEA is prosecuting pain doctors left and right, and if this doctor was following the rules about urine tests, pill counts, etc., then it looks like the DEA targeted him because of where he did business, not how he did business. And when doctors are put out of business after being targeted by the DEA, it takes years and years to clear their name. In the meantime, patients are just left to suffer, with nowhere to go for treatment.

          Many blame the HIV outbreak on certain drugs, when in reality, that area has defunded and shut down clinics that offer affordable care:

          Indiana Shut Down Its Rural Planned Parenthood Clinics And Got An HIV Outbreak

          Blame for HIV outbreak in Indiana

          (5/7/2015) Abuse of Pain Pills Fuels Virus’s Spread

          We can blame the drugs, which is what the drug war is all about, or we can look at the whole picture, which includes lack of mental health resources for those that suffer from addiction and all the other mental illnesses that lead to addiction. And lack of services like clean needle exchanges and harm reduction medications that are too expensive.

          When we blame the drugs, then treatments for pain and pain patients become part of the drug war, and can actually create more drug addicts and people going to the unregulated street market for treatment. Because prohibition never works.

          Liked by 2 people

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