There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain

40,000 suicides a year and no epidemic here .. only some lives really matter

ONE HOUR special by one of the local anchors about SUICIDE AWARENESS. The above two clips are from the special.. I have been in contact with the reporter trying to get to be able to embed the entire hour on my blog…

I have exchanged a couple of emails from the reporter from this station and according to her.. it was a “FIGHT” to get the station manager to allow this one hour special to happen, but I sense … she is not done with this issue and from her emails.. she is aware of the issue of mental health, substance abuse and chronic pain issues that our country has and refuses to deal with...

Under comments:

Stephen, on October 25, 2015 at 8:19 pm said:

Steve I really understand this. I have known a few people who committed suicide due to lack of proper treatment. It hurts to see tgem suffer. But im afraid im pretty close to doing it myself…

painkills2, on October 26, 2015 at 7:10 pm said:

Instead of seeking relief from the constant pain, try seeking pleasure to distract yourself from it. I know it’s hard to feel pleasure when it seems like the pain is all that exists, but remember, there is a fine line between pleasure and pain. All you need to do is find a way across that line to find those precious moments of pleasure. And if you can find enough pleasurable moments every day, you can make it to the next day.

Pain patients often feel guilty for feeling any kind of pleasure, like it means their pain isn’t real. We’ve been called fakers for so long that shame is our constant companion. We should all let go of the shame and find pleasure whenever we can.

Instead of asking, “What will relieve my pain,” ask yourself: “Where can I find some pleasure?” 🙂

Pleasure, pain, and the brain

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