Studies suggest distracted driving getting worse

Two new studies of highway accidents and driver behavior are shedding new light on distracted driving, in particular on the part of young drivers. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that distracted driving was a contributing factor in nearly 60% of moderate-to-serious crashes involving teen drivers. 

This was something of a surprise since the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had previously estimated that distracted driving contributed to only 14% of accidents involving teen-age drivers…

Cell phone use was significantly more likely in cases where the vehicle left the road. Overall, males and females were equally likely to be engaged in potentially distracting behavior. However, females were more likely than males to have been using a cell phone, engaged in personal grooming, or singing or dancing to music prior to the crash…

For example, 15% admitted to engaging in a romantic encounter, with public displays of affection, with someone while driving…

Is using your cell phone while driving a sign of addiction?

Internet Outages Reveal Gaps in Broadband Infrastructure

In northern Arizona last month, tens of thousands of residents were without Internet service — some for up to 15 hours — after vandals cut through an underground bundle of fiber-optic cables owned by CenturyLink. ATMs went down, stores couldn’t process credit cards, college students in Flagstaff had to put their research on hold, and even 911 emergency service was lost.
Earlier this month, several thousand people lost Internet and phone service for half a day when an electric company crew accidentally cut a fiber-optic line in northern New Mexico.

When an underwater fiber-optic cable became wrapped around a big rock and broke in 2013, some residents of Washington state’s San Juan Islands were without Internet and telephone service for 10 days…

CenturyLink, the broadband provider in the Arizona and Washington outages, declined to make officials available for an interview about its Internet infrastructure…

Life Lines

Memories can be both a pleasure and a hardship. The most dissatisfied people, Kierkegaard observed, can “be found among the unhappy rememberers.” As Turk-Browne put it, “Memory is such a great thing, but it’s also where your anxiety comes from.” Johnson’s emotional load certainly seems lighter: she is never going to regret making an impatient remark to Aline or worry for days that the Princeton researchers find her tedious. But even the sketchiest memories can weigh someone down. Johnson knows how deeply she loved her past, even if she can perceive only some of its outlines…

Germanwings crash probe turns on ‘depressed’ co-pilot

2/19/2014, Number of Suicides Decreases in Germany

About three quarters of all self-murderers are male. In 2012, about 7,300 men took their own life, compared to only 2,600 women…

Self-murder?  What an odd term.