Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year

Sugary drinks kills more than drug overdoses ? A EPIDEMIC ?

Sugary drinks kill more than drug overdoses? AN EPIDEMIC?

By contributing to obesity and, through that, to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, the consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks appears to claim the lives of about 25,000 American adults yearly and is linked worldwide to the deaths of 180,000 each year, new research says…

As incomes grow in many developing nations, some are experiencing spurts in obesity that mirror, in compressed form, Americans’ four-decade run-up in weight. Many researchers attribute those patterns, at least in part, to increases in their populations’ consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, which add calories without improving nutrition…

3 thoughts on “Sugary drinks linked to 25,000 deaths in the U.S. each year

  1. Sugary anything contributes to obesity, diabetes and death. Let the War on Twinkies begin! They can start in school lunchrooms with all the white bread, which has a higher glycemic index than table sugar. I envision a new federal agency to enforce the food war: FEAR (Food Enforcement and Alimentary Rehabilitation).

    Sugar turns kids into food-seeking scumbags like this:

    We will need to build bigger prisons and make food prescription-only to protect the children.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It does seem rather odd that this study only mentions sugary drinks — like that’s the only thing kids drink/eat. Next, they’ll attribute obesity to computers — the sedentary lifestyle and all. Maybe if they brought back P.E., we could all rest easier.


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