Celebrating Black History Month in 2016

https://painkills2.wordpress.com/?s=black+history http://www.vox.com/2016/1/31/10871544/birth-of-a-nation-nate-parker-interview The Birth of a Nation just smashed records at Sundance. We talked to director Nate Parker. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_birth.html On the evening of March 21, 1915, President Woodrow Wilson attended a special screening at the White House of THE BIRTH OF A NATION, a film directed by D.W. Griffith and based on THE CLANSMAN, a…Read more Celebrating Black History Month in 2016

20 Of History’s Most Brilliant Minds And Their Drug Of Choice

http://distractify.com/beth-buczynski/brilliant-people-and-their-drugs-of-choice/?ts_pid=2 14. Humphry Davy – Nitrous Oxide (aka Laughing Gas) Davy was a surgeon and chemist perhaps best known for inventing the ‘Davy’ safety lamp used by early coal miners. Less well known was his accidental discovery of (and subsequent indulgence in) nitrous oxide. “Nothing Exists But Thoughts!” Davy is said to have exclaimed, off…Read more 20 Of History’s Most Brilliant Minds And Their Drug Of Choice

Minorities Avoid Cannabis Industry as History of Arrests, Incarceration Drive Fears

http://mmjbusinessdaily.com/minorities-avoid-cannabis-industry-history-arrests-incarceration-drive-fears/ It’s not just young blacks who will likely be shy about making inroads to the industry – Latinos will likely have just as hard a time getting into the legal cannabis industry, Lynch said. Latinos comprise the largest group of federally convicted drug defendants, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. From 1992-2012, 40% of…Read more Minorities Avoid Cannabis Industry as History of Arrests, Incarceration Drive Fears

April is National Prevent Child Abuse Month

Just like with Black History Month, we should not confine learning about the prevention of child abuse to just one month out of the year. APRIL IS NATIONAL PREVENT CHILD ABUSE MONTH http://www.safehorizon.org/page/10-signs-of-child-abuse-58.html If you suspect a child has been abused…. Keep calm. Tell the child you believe them. Show interest and concern. Reassure and support…Read more April is National Prevent Child Abuse Month