

MILWAUKEE — The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office is investigating a possible cold weather related death. A family found their 48-year-old relative frozen in her home on Thursday afternoon, January 5th. They’re now encouraging others to check on their loved ones…

The woman’s sister Zeldra Strong found her sister’s frozen body in her home… “Everything was off. The water was frozen in cups and bowls,” Timothy Nash said.

What was certain Thursday — in her last moments, Zondra Nash was not living comfortably. The heat was turned off. Nash’s family said she suffered from depression and refused to open her door — even for them…


According to the medical examiner’s report, the woman had not paid her rent in three months and her sister had not been in contact for three months. The woman was found on January 5. She had served in the army for six years…

Zondra Nash’s heat had been turned off in August. The last phone call she made was on November 27. She had purchased cold and cough medicine from Walgreens. The family told the medical examiner she had lost her job two years ago when the business closed.

11 thoughts on “Thinking of you, Zondra Nash

  1. “There but for the grace of God go I.”

    Thank you for posting this sad, sad news. This could be any of us who suffer from depression and/or pain or agoraphobia or any other isolating condition.

    It’s a sad confirmation of my conviction that many of us are just one tick away from freezing in our own goddam apartment.

    I hope by now the spirit of Zondra is content, in whatever way spirits are…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. When I see things like this I’m ashamed of being an American, with the inequality of hunger, cold and homelessness set against our 1% Corporate Capitalist selfishness and greed smacking me in the face — and I struggle not to hate the idiocy of so many who voted for one of them to set policy. Struggling to find the positives anymore.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

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