Learn To Walk Away

There are many different types of pain. Really, the things that can cause pain to the human body and mind are endless.

But be warned: Don’t give your heart away. My heart is my own and belongs to no one but me. Because there’s nothing like the pain of a broken heart. Believing it’s your fault. That there’s something wrong with you. Believing you aren’t good enough. Not worthy of love.

I see this beautiful woman singing, with so much pain on her face and in her voice. I think almost everyone knows that kind of pain. I hate seeing people in pain, but this is a beautiful song and video.

However, begging a man to stay in your bed only hurts you, and it gives the man an awful lot of power over you. I admit, I’ve done it. I begged a man not to leave me. Thing is, he was never really with me, so of course my efforts failed, making me feel a lot worse than if I had just walked away.

Most pain has a purpose. Ignore it at your own peril. And learn how to walk away from anything or anyone that causes you pain.

14 thoughts on “Learn To Walk Away

  1. After my last disasterous relationship ended, I swore I would never need anyone again and stuck by it. I’m currently in an amazing relationship and if it ends I will be sad and heartbroken, however I will not ruin my life to save it. I choose to be in this relationship because I love him, but I do not need the relationship to survive. It is not all that I am.

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