4 thoughts on “Damn Crickets

    • “Crickets do chirp very loudly — sound pressure levels have been measured at more than 100 decibels — yet they don’t deafen themselves.”


      “Moderate levels of sound (a normal speaking voice, for example) are under 60 dB. Relatively loud sounds, like that of a vacuum cleaner, measure around 70 dB. Rock concerts, at around 125 dB, (in case you needed science to confirm this) are pushing the human pain threshold.”

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  1. Roaches with bagpipes. I hate them. It’s funny in my outdoorsman years there could be millions of them chirping away outside my tent and it didn’t bother me. But just one in the bedroom of my house would drive me insane. I had a girlfriend from Thailand where it is considered bad luck to kill a cricket. I had to wait until she was gone to conduct my search and destroy operations against the crickets, who always stop chirping when you get near them and are hard to locate by sound.

    Napalm helps. Just don’t use it around pets and kids.

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    • The acoustics of your bedroom probably made them sound louder. After all, there aren’t any walls outside. And I think the DEA sent the damn crickets to torture me. 🙂


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