Does Your Boss Have a Right to Know if You’re Mentally Ill?

In the U.S., laws that include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prevent companies from asking job applicants about their medical status, including mental health. Once a job offer has been extended, applicants or employees can be evaluated to see whether they can meet the requirements of the position. That can include both physical and cognitive or emotional evaluations…

Some of the occupations in which employees in crisis could pose particular risks, such as police work, the military, and aviation, have the most macho cultures, which discourages people from seeking help…

Honberg says the Federal Aviation Administration loosened longtime bans on flying by anyone taking psychiatric medications, allowing exceptions for some antidepressants. That step, he says, can encourage pilots to seek treatment.

On the other hand, if the response to the Germanwings crash is to impose stricter bans on flying by anyone with a history of mental health problems, he says, it could drive people to hide symptoms. “What is going to be the impact on people willing to step forward and get help if they need it?” Honberg says…

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